× This is V1 of Icebreaker. Get the latest version here: Icebreaker V2.
A slack chat window where a user is using the /ice command.

Icebreaker Help Page

Help and Troubleshooting

How to Install

  1. Use the "Add To Slack" button below.

  2. It will take you to a page where you will need to authorize Icebreaker access to your Slack workspace.

  3. Once you authorize Icebreaker, it will let you know it installed succesfully with a "Icebreaker installed! :)" message.

Add to Slack

Adding Icebreaker to Private Channels

Take these steps to add an Icebreaker to a private channel:

  1. Go to the private channel where you would like to add Icebreaker

  2. Message @ice in the channel to activate the slack app

  3. Invite Them into the channel

  4. Type /ice to shuffle and pick the icebreaker you want

A user adding @ice to their private slack channel

Known Issues